Aims and Objectives
It is the aim of Lyndale to provide a home which offers people the opportunity of living in a community setting, experiencing and living life to the fullest, whilst providing a safe and supportive environment. Lyndale supports the recovery model of thinking and sees people beyond their difficulties, recognising and promoting the opportunities that can harness their abilities, interests and goals.
It is the objective of the organisation to provide support of the highest quality to improve the client’s overall quality of life by meeting the following objectives:-
- To ensure that the service is delivered flexibly, effectively and in a non-discriminatory and person-centred way by placing the individual at the centre of decision-making and care provision.
- To respect each individual’s right to independence, privacy, dignity, fulfilment and the right to make informed choices and to take risks.
- To encourage service users to develop their skills, and support them to achieve their goals and aspirations.
- To support individuals to manage their symptoms and to support them to build their resilience. This is complimented by the use of Wellness Recovery Action Plans (WRAP).
- To support service users to have control over their own lives and to ensure their voices are listened to.
- To manage and implement a formal programme of staff planning, selection, recruitment, training and personal development, to enable client’s needs to be met.
- To provide a high quality, safe and secure environment that encourages the development of skills and competencies of individuals.
- To develop a detailed, multidisciplinary formulation of an individual’s needs that informs treatment and management planning.
- To provide an ongoing evaluation of an individual’s progress and development with regular review through the process of the Care Plan Approach (CPA).
- To respect service users’ human and civil rights by recognising their right to take part in activities that incur a degree of calculated risk, which is essential for human growth and development.
- To ensure that each individual’s values and needs are respected in matters of religion, age, culture, race or ethnic origin, political affiliation, marital status, parenthood, disabilities and impairments.
- To ensure that all service users are provided with written information on the organisation’s procedures for handling complaints, comments and complements.
- To respect service users’ safety by ensuring staff have DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) and POVA (Protection of Vulnerable Adults) checks prior to being employed in the home.
Organisation Directors:
Juliann and Mervyn Dalton
Registered Manager:
Jane Kirby